Memory Landscapes: Going to Brooklyn

Laurie says:

I posted recently about shadow photos for my Memory Landscape project. Check out the whole project here.

“These photos are images that may be part of the aesthetic of memory, where rather than have your mind go from one associative memory to another, instead it goes very briefly to a space that is not about remembering but simply about being. I’m in a place where I am considering things rather than making decisions.”

For myself, I think of it as my mind going to Brooklyn. And Emma Humphries, who is working with me on the tech for this, is simply calling these images Brooklyn.

Guerrero Tree ShadowsfinalTree branches on Guerrero St, where I live now.


While the project has a very strong intellectual framework, I’m fundamentally thinking about it visually. Seeing extended patterns of memory images, some times partially changing, sometimes not. When Emma was talking to me about the code, she drew some it out for me in pictures (we both think in pictures in different ways). Then I realized that the html code and the hyperlinks were very much my memory visualization, and just how well suited this language is for a non-linear memoir. A non-linear memoir feels much realer to me than the usual narrative forms that we use to reframe and remake our stories in. So there seems to be a deep harmony between Emma’s use of code language and the visual language of my art.

Shadows Roxburytrees final 3Trees and sky in Roxbury in upstate New York, where I lived along time ago.

Guerrero wires ShadowsfinalLamp post and wires on Guerrero St.


If you look at these images and the ones in the previous blog, you can see the harmony between them.  At the moment that feels very right to me, and may have ways of developing that I’ve just realized while writing this post.

I’m still considering the kinds of images I want for the brief state of simply being, but these will be part of the work in progress. As the new associative memory images and paths develop, I’ll be posting about them.