Tag Archives: #winterlight

New Pandemic Shadow Photos – Winter Light

Laurie says:

I’ve been working in winter light lately. The locations of the shadows can be original and marvelous, but it’s also very brief both in terms of the light and (especially in the city) the brevity of the shadows. Unless you are a morning person (I’m not), the light gives up on one side of the street very early.

I’m still very happy with both the aesthetics of my photos and their originality, but I’ve been making Pandemic Shadows since early in the pandemic. It’s getting harder and harder to find images (however beautiful) that feel fresh. At some point I’ll be done…but not yet.

These are the newest photos

  Shadows on a sidewalk with very subtle colors



Leaves and branches. I loved the contrast between them



Exquisite lake shadows, very, very carefully framed


I’ll keep making the photographs as long as it pleases me but clearly time is running out.


Follow Debbie on Twitter while it’s still here.

Follow Laurie’s Pandemic Shadows photos on Instagram.


Pandemic Shadows in “–scapes” exhibition in Budapest

Laurie says:

I’m really happy that my Pandemic Shadow photos are on exhibit again in Europe. They’ve been in Barcelona, Rome and Budapest. This time they are in the exhibition –scapes, a curated international exhibition at the PH21 Gallery in Budapest. The exhibition runs from December 17, 2020 – January 9, 2021. (Photos below are in the exhibition.)


It’s being very exciting to do the work and see the shadows and reflections as the light changes with time. I just put up a new photo in my Instagram Gallery that was shot in the very low sun light that illuminates the sidewalk near the Solstice.


There are all sorts of natural and artificial scenes that capture the attention of photographers, compel and inspire them to pause, observe and create an image for the sake of the scene and convey a personal interpretation of what they see. These types of photographs go by a variety of names; they are called landscapes, cityscapes, streetscapes, seascapes, waterscapes, cloudscapes, or even desertscapes, treescapes, bodyscapes, and the like. Among these photographs the most successful ones go well beyond the mere recording of the visual qualities of a place as they bear the marks of the interpretive insights of the photographer. They make us contemplate a scene as meaningful and significant. For it is never challenging to merely re-present; it takes a novel conception of the scene to engage us, viewers, through the keen eyes and the creative mind of the photographer.

I’m looking forward to shadow walks in these end of light days.


Follow Deb on Twitter.

Follow Laurie’s new Pandemic Shadows photos on Instagram.