Laurie says:
Moving Through Loneliness trailer from Cid Pearlman on Vimeo.
My daughter Cid Pearlman’s collaborative film, Moving Through Loneliness will be shown as part of the Moving Body-Moving Image Festival this Saturday, 12-6pm EDT/9-3pm PDT. It was originally going to be shown at Barnard College in NYC and is now an on-line festival on April 4th. The Festival explores Aging & Othering through two scheduled 45-min block programs of films, streaming installations, conversation with guest speakers, and opportunities to engage with filmmakers, speakers, and fellow participants.
She made the 10-minute film with Mara Milam, based on the three 12-minute videos they made for the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History (MAH). Jonathan Segel composed a new score specifically for this version and it’s amazing.
The film is premiering at the festival in the installation section. These videos were created over a period of six months; they collaborated with the MAH and a wonderful cohort of seniors and advocates to create a installation which features video (all the time) and live performance (some of the time).
The focus of the festival is on Aging & Othering. There’s a panel discussion at 4pm EDT with some interesting folks. The festival is free – but you may need to register to see the panel. Check it out.
Moving Through Loneliness is part of the show We’re Still Here: Stories of Seniors; Isolation which was at the MAH until January 12, 2020. I wrote about it on Body Impolitic at the time.
I was there for the opening and the combination of the installation, the video “Moving through Loneliness”, and the dance were powerful and impressive. They expressed the empathy and the loneliness of people with deep respect for them. The interweaving of the three very different expressions creates a layered, complex, and deeply moving experience of loneliness and aging for the viewer. It’s rare that you see three art forms so perfectly and coherently blended.
When the world opens again We’re Still Here will move on to three other locations in California (through 2023).