Tag Archives: Thai photography

Picsique: Project of Fashion of Fat Women‘s Confidence

Laurie says:

My friend Tracy went to Thailand and saw the exhibition Picsique at the Numthong Gallery at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre which featured photographs  by Sirichoke Lertyaso, Tada Hengsapkul, and Supachok Pichetkul.

She brought me the brochure from the exhibition because of the photographs by Supachok Pichetkul from his Project of Fashion of the Fat Women‘s Confidence. I was totally delighted to see this beautiful work that I would never have known about otherwise.

I tried to get a Google translation of some of the texts about the exhibition, but as usual in my experience with translations from Asian languages,  Google translates more like esoteric poetry. The English commentary from the exhibition brochure is below:

The Physical Human Body” is most often one of the first subjects to be captured through the lens of a camera. In other words, the camera seems to be the tool that humans use to observe other fellow humans. It may in fact be the camera’s primary use, as it is certainly what we think of when we question the purpose of the existence of cameras. “Picsique” is an exhibition that follows the elements of the human body and photography through the different eyes and varying beliefs of three new generation photographers. … (T)he usage of the physical human body in commercial mediums has led Supachok Pichetkul to push the boundaries found in fashion photography found in magazines, testing our tendencies to find perfections in the measurements of the human form, while in truth, fashion photography has the “power” of replicating a reality that is not real.

Looking at his website, he clearly does a number of different kinds of photographs. He says I am a photographer and specialize in executive portraits, fashion, people, and portraits. The project seems to be a collaboration with stylist and makeup artist  Zuperego.

I wish I knew more about it, but it’s clearly beautiful fat-positive work from the other side of the world. Thank you Tracy.