Tag Archives: Tanya Augsberg

Women of Japan at Waseda University, Tokyo

Laurie says:

Photos are from Women of Japan.

Please click on photos to get the best image

I was delighted to hear about this.

On June 19, 2023 feminist performance scholar Tanya Augsburg, who is a Professor in the School of Liberal Studies at San Francisco State University, will be giving a presentation titled, “From Local to Global: Connections between California and Japanese Contemporary Artists,” which will feature prominently fine arts photography Laurie Toby Edison’s Women of Japan project as well as the work of three additional artists: Priscilla Otani, Na Omi Judy Shintani, and Sandra Yagi. All four artists are members of the Northern California Women’s Caucus for Art, as is Dr. Augsburg, who serves on NCWCA’s board as Art-Historian-in-Residence.
The presentation will be from 3:30 to 4 pm in 3F, International Conference Center, Building 18 at Waseda University in Tokyo. Dr. Augsburg was selected to be one of the participants and presenters in the California State University’s 2023 International Program Faculty Seminar in Japan. The theme of this year’s seminar is “California, Japan, and the World.”
Dr. Augsburg has been a longtime admirer of Edison’s important work and has been thrilled to have the opportunity to learn more about it. In a recent conversation with the artist, Augsburg shared how she is struck by how Edison explored strategies of self-presentation and image management before social media.





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