Laurie says:
I’m back from all my travel and no longer feel like Hello I Must Be Going. I’ll be posting regularly from now on. No more travel (that I know of) til mid February.
Here is this week’s photo.
My work in sometimes described as pushing the ragged edge of white, This portrait is on a very different edge.
On a another note, talking about Marlene’s post The (Renewed War On Queer Art) on the censoring of David Wojnarowicz’s video by the National Portrait Gallery. This YouTube of the charming nun, Sister Wendy (of PBS art programming fame), talking to Bill Moyers, is a marvelous positive art commentary on this kind of work. Her thoughts on Serrano’s Piss Christ applies equally to use of the Christ images with ants in Wojnarowicz’s video.
And if you keep watching, I love her thoughts on the nude body and it’s beauty.
Thanks to Rhett Gérard Poché for the pointer to Sister Wendy