Tag Archives: Rosarium

Rosarium Publishing: “What If Everyone Got to Tell Their Own Story?”


Laurie and Debbie say:

Rosarium Publishing is raising money to “go to the next level.”  This Indiegogo link has a great description of what they do, and the video goes into more detail. But we like the description on their website, too.

Rosarium Publishing is a fledgling publisher specializing in speculative fiction, comics, and a touch of crime fiction—all with a multicultural flair. We simply believe that talent does not inherently have a race, religion, or region; there is no talent solely found in X or Y chromosome; talent is everywhere, and we will comb the four corners bof this globe to find it. We like to be crazy, wild, provocative. We also like to chill, and there’s never a moment where you won’t find us laughing. If you try to paint us in a corner, we’ll go all TAKI 183 on you and cover it with graffiti. We say that we’re here to “introduce the world to itself,” so you never know where you’ll find us. We might turn up at a con or a festival near you.

We need diverse books. We need diverse publishers. We need spaces for people to tell their own stories. We need comic series called Malice in Ovenland and books called everything from My Booty to The End of the World Is Rye. We need more stories for Chip (Samuel R. Delany) and more adventures of Wally Fresh.

They have five days left to meet their goal. If you give what you can, Rosarium will pay you back, not in the conventional capitalist sense, but with real interest … interesting books, interesting comics, and their interest in fresh, exciting talent and great publications.