Tag Archives: Portals Talk

Portals Talk

Laurie says:

June 17 til August 12,  2023 is the exhibition both at the gallery (Arc Gallery, San Francisco) and on the web.

Everyone will be talking about their work in the exhibition. I will be discussing my portrait of Hiroko Hagiwara from my Women of Japan project. The project was done over 6 years in collaboration with Japanese feminists. Please click on images for best  quality.

Women of Japan is Edison’s work. It is she who took photographs and selected one or two shots to print and exhibit. But it is the models each decided to pose for the photographer. They too created Women of Japan by speaking their own words about photographs they are in. The photographer and the models are not simply creator and objects. But both are, though in different ways, participants in the creation of the work. This explains the unique glow emitted from Laurie Toby Edison’s Women of Japan.

–Hagiwara Hiroko
Professor, Osaka Prefecture University
translated by the author


​The talk is on Thursday, August 3 from 7-8pm.
Featured artists: Sandra Yagi, Carol Newborg, Linah Sofi, Cecile J Picard, Lorraine Bonner, Sandra Wolfson, Miriam Fabbri, Janna Waldinger, Suzanne Perkins, Nilou Farzam, Salma Arastu and Laurie Toby Edison. 
It’s at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83505103913?pwd=OGR0dVZUU1VLTmtEblNSTGQ0a2xzUT09, moderated by Elizabeth Addison, Exhibitions Chair and Karen Gutfreund, portals juror.


Debbie is no longer active on Twitter. Follow her on Mastodon.

Follow Laurie’s Pandemic Shadows photos on Instagram.
