Tag Archives: PH21

-scapes – Barcelona

We support a ceasefire in Palestine.

Laurie says:

I have 2 photographs in the exhibition -scapes, showing June 11–18, 2024 at the Valid World Hall Gallery in Barcelona. I just left the zoom opening this morning (June 11), where the curators and some of the photographers discussed the show. It was raining in Barcelona, but nevertheless the physical attendance at the gallery opening was encouraging.

To see all the photos in the exhibition go here.


Pandemic Shadows 106

Pandemic Shadows 117

There are various natural, artificial, and even staged scenes that seize the attention of photographers, compelling and inspiring them to pause, observe, and create an image to convey a personal interpretation of what they see. These types of photographs are known by a variety of names: landscapes, cityscapes, streetscapes, seascapes, waterscapes, cloudscapes, or even desertscapes, treescapes, bodyscapes, and so forth. Among these photographs, the most successful ones go well beyond the mere recording of the visual qualities of a place; they bear the marks of the interpretive insights of the photographer, prompting us to contemplate a scene as meaningful and significant. Merely re-presenting is never challenging; it requires a novel conception of the scene to engage us, viewers, through the keen eyes and creative mind of the photographer.

(This PH21 Gallery exhibition is presented in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, in collaboration with Valid World Hall Gallery, a renowned centre for the visual arts.)


Debbie occasionally posts on Mastodon.

Follow Laurie’s Pandemic Shadows photos on Instagram.


Feminine – Masculine, PH21 Gallery in Budapest

We support a ceasefire in Palestine

Laurie says:

Masculine- Feminine is an international exhibition open from April 4 to April 30, 2024, at the PH21 Gallery in Budapest. The curators are Zsolt Bátori and Borbála Jász.

Portrayals of femininity and masculinity are, without a doubt, central to numerous art forms, with photography being no exception. The past few decades have sparked often heated discussions and criticisms of past, recent, and current photographic practices due to their lack of reflection on the assumptions, stereotypes, and prejudices surrounding approaches to femininity and masculinity. Both fine art and commercial works have been critiqued for the potential consequences of their approach and presentation. Historically, femininity and masculinity have been conceived as oppositions, complements to each other, or positions on a continuum, among other perspectives. There are scarcely any ways of portraying femininity and masculinity that would not be considered trivial, conservative, pretentious, demeaning, distasteful, clichéd, or even offensive by some. It often seems that everything has been said and photographed on this subject; however, it is impossible to ignore the persistence of the theme in our contemporary visual culture. What can we still value and possibly revive from the rich history of photography? Are there any novel ways left to approach this subject with a fresh critical eye? –Zsolt Bátori

Given the topic, I could not resist submitting photographs from Women En Large and Familiar Men. To see all the exhibition photos, go here.


Debbie has deleted her Twitter account. Follow her on Mastodon.

Follow Laurie’s Pandemic Shadows photos on Instagram.
