Tag Archives: #pandemicshadows

New Pandemic Shadow Photos – Winter Light

Laurie says:

I’ve been working in winter light lately. The locations of the shadows can be original and marvelous, but it’s also very brief both in terms of the light and (especially in the city) the brevity of the shadows. Unless you are a morning person (I’m not), the light gives up on one side of the street very early.

I’m still very happy with both the aesthetics of my photos and their originality, but I’ve been making Pandemic Shadows since early in the pandemic. It’s getting harder and harder to find images (however beautiful) that feel fresh. At some point I’ll be done…but not yet.

These are the newest photos

  Shadows on a sidewalk with very subtle colors



Leaves and branches. I loved the contrast between them



Exquisite lake shadows, very, very carefully framed


I’ll keep making the photographs as long as it pleases me but clearly time is running out.


Follow Debbie on Twitter while it’s still here.

Follow Laurie’s Pandemic Shadows photos on Instagram.


Pandemic Shadow Photos in Shape – Barcelona

Laurie says:

I’m delighted that in October and November I’ll have photos on exhibit in 3 cities in Europe. I’ve posted already about Portraits Without Faces in Budapest (October 20 – November 12, 2022); then Shape @ Barcelona (November 3–13, 2022); and finally Motion @ Rome (November 11–22, 2022). The Shape exhibition will be presented in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, in collaboration with Valid World Hall Gallery, a renowned center for the visual arts, and the Ph21 Gallery.



Shapes are one of the most important aspects of creative photographic compositions. Living beings and inanimate objects, including the built environment come in many forms, and photographers often rely on the creative possibilities offered by their shape. While in some cases the images of things only have a depictive function, at the other end of the spectrum abstract photography concentrates on shapes and forms for their own sake up to a point when we can no longer recognise the depicted objects themselves. Between being either insignificant or the only significant element, the shape of recognisable forms may also be the driving compositional component of an image. That is, the shape of living beings and objects may be of central importance to the composition of photographs not only in abstract photography but also in virtually all other photographic genres. These images capture our attention and stand out for their creative compositional form.
– Exhibition Text



My Pandemic Shadow photos seemed to me to be particularly suited to Shapes, because they are fundamentally about shapes and shadings with occasional (and only occasional) touches of color. Mostly the color is important by its absence.


Follow Debbie on Twitter.

Follow Laurie’s Pandemic Shadows photos on Instagram.
