Tag Archives: motion photography

Work in “Motion” Exhibition in Budapest

Laurie says:

I’m back from my vacation (It was perfect!) and off to Wiscon this coming week.

While I was away, I was delighted to hear that one of my photographs is in the international exhibition Motion at the PH21 Gallery in Budapest (May 28th to June 17th 2015). It’s curated by the director Zsolt Bátori.

I thought that the concept was interesting and submitted the one photograph in all my work that involves motion. It’s my portrait of Junko Fukazawa from Women of Japan that was selected for the exhibition.

Fukazawa Junko waving her hand

The group of exhibition photos has a breadth that is conceptually fascinating. And the quality of the work is impressive.

Juncture by Vincent Leandro

Photography is a medium of still images; it cannot create the illusion of motion in the way moving images such as film, video or cartoons can. The static nature of the image itself, however, has never prevented photographers from putting motion in the centre of their endeavours. Instead of freezing the moment they often strive for capturing movement and the passing of time. Depicting or expressing motion is a welcome challenge for photographers; it is also the source of some of the most creative images in diverse photographic genres.


motion lighthouse
The Wave and the Lighthouse by Michael Sean Edwards



towardthe light
Toward the Light by Lee Atwell

I tried to be careful in selecting photos from the exhibition for this blog. I tend to lean toward black and white and could easily have chosen only black and white photos. There is something about black and white and movement that clearly appeals to me. When you look at the photos in the exhibition be sure to click to enlarge them. A number of these images, because of the quality of motion, need to be seen larger to appreciate them. In the relationship between the viewer and the image in photography, size matters.