Tag Archives: monochrome photography

Monochrome Exhibition Opens in Budapest

Laurie says:

This Pandemic Shadow photo Delicate Flowers is part of  Monochrome, a curated international photography exhibition at the Ph21 Gallery in Budapest. The exhibition runs from May 5 to May 28, 2022. My Pandemic Shadow images lend themselves particularly well to this theme. There are often subtle touches of color in my shadow photos.

Monochrome photography is usually associated with black and white images. However, in the history of photography other hues, such as sepia and cyan were also used, and today there are countless examples of monochromatic images whose photographic qualities are based on the tonal range of various other colours. While monochromacity used to be a technological limitation for a long time, today it is more of an artistic choice. Photographers may opt for working with the shades of just one colour for compositional reasons or for reasons related to the expressive content of their images, and therefore their decision is to be interpreted. Our appreciation of contemporary monochromatic images is also rooted in the knowledge that the lack of colour range is significant and meaningful, not merely a technological limitation. — Zsolt Bátori curator

The opening is on May 7th at 6 PM (CEST). That’s 9 AM my San Francisco time. I’ll be there, probably not at my sharpest. The PH 21 openings are usually _really_ interesting. (Link for the real time participation: meet.google.com/tgo-nmef-chs)

Maybe I’ll see you there.

Follow Debbie on Twitter.

Follow Laurie’s Pandemic Shadows photos on Instagram.


Monochrome Photos

Laurie says:

I have one of my Pandemic Shadows in the PH21 gallery in Budapest. It runs from May 5-28. It’s curated by Zsolt Bátori. I will be putting up a post about that exhibition when it opens.

Photographers may opt for working with the shades of just one colour for compositional reasons or for reasons related to the expressive content of their images, and therefore their decision is to be interpreted. Our appreciation of contemporary monochromatic images is also rooted in the knowledge that the lack of colour range is significant and meaningful, not merely a technological limitation. Quote is part of his discussion on monochromatic images.

I’ve been a black and white photographer, sometimes using monochrome, for a very long time. I’ve only been doing occasional color work for my Pandemic Shadow project. Black and white imagery can allow the viewer to focus both on the aesthetic of the image and the meaning. Color is the language of everyday life. It’s really hard to do well and it needs to be extremely good work to touch the viewer profoundly.

I thought I’d put put some other monochrome photos from the Monochrome Awards There are many stunning photos in a variety of topics. These are from “Landscapes”.

Photo title in “Burning Times” by Andrea Cevolini (Italy)

Photo title is “Coastal Splendor” by Harv Greenberg (United States)

Photo title is DettiFoss, photographer is Geffrard Bourke (Iceland)

Photo title is “Antalya Bay, photographer is Alexandre Evrard


Follow Debbie on Twitter.

Follow Laurie’s Pandemic Shadows photos on Instagram.
