Tag Archives: mark soderstrom

Revolutionary Dreams at the Howard Zinn Book Fair: Sunday, 12/8 in San Francisco

Howard Zinn Book Fair poster

Debbie says:

I am thrilled to be moderating a panel at the Howard Zinn Book Fair this coming weekend in San Francisco (CCSF MIssion Campus, 1125 Valencia Street, near the 24th St. BART station).

Our panel is “Revolutionary Dreams: Feminist Speculative Visions for the Future.” Panelists are

  • Mark Soderstrom, Liberal Studies professor at Empire State College,
  • Charlie Jane Anders, author most recently of The City in the Middle of the Night, and co-host of the podcast Our Opinions Are Correct, and
  • Liz Henry, blogger, author, translator, technologist, activist, and advocate for disability technology.

“Egalitarian and revolutionary imagination has an enduring history in feminist speculative fiction (sf). … As the field of sf embraces an ever-expanding multitude of critical voices, we offer a facilitated open discussion of timely works exploring a revolutionary imaginary that can point us towards a more inclusive and just future.” Mark will give a short introductory paper, and then we’ll have a freewheeling discussion, with many books and stories to discuss, and many ideas to explore.

The whole book fair is a really exciting event, with huge numbers of panels in each time slot, and some extremely exciting speakers and topics.  Check out the schedule.

I hope to see you there!