Tag Archives: homosexuality

Deus Vult: “God Wills It”

Laurie and Debbie say:

Believers in a Judeo-Christian god must, by definition, believe that the world was designed by that god as (s)he wished it to be. The Latin phrase is “Deus Vult,” translated literally as “God wills it.” In this context, let’s
contrast a popular (although far from universal) Christian view of sexuality with what’s known about the animal kingdom:

Lehman Strauss at bible.org talks about homosexuality:

Any evil condemned in Scripture cannot be honoring to God. Homosexual religious leaders attempt to smooth over the breaks and rough places with Christian terminology so that a euphoria predominates, but God is not in it. A truly born again person, who loves and understands the Bible as God’s revelation to him, will not condone an evil that God condemns. “If ye know that He is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of Him” (I John 2:29). “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity” (II Timothy 2:19). Practicing homosexuals are engaged in a divinely forbidden evil.

Cartoonist Roxy Drew, on the other hand, contributes this from her “(Human) Sex is Boring” series:

cartoon describing giraffe sex practices, including male homosexuality when females are not ovulating

So did God forget giraffes? Or decide it’s okay if your neck is ten feet long? (Hmm, is there a phallus joke there?) Or is the problem with Lehman Strauss?

And then there’s adultery, a Judeo-Christian sin so basic that it’s singled out in the Ten Commandments:

At Christians.org, we find:

Why should people refrain from adultery? Because God said so! And he said so for several obvious reasons. First of all, adultery adulterates. Sex is essentially pure. It is part of the creation that God pronounced good. But precisely because it is pure, it must be protected from adulteration. We need God’s pure sex law for the same reason we need pure food and drug laws. The laws protect us from contaminants that would destroy our health and happiness. The Bible is not against sex. To the contrary, it values sex enough to rescue it from adulteration.

And here’s Roxy Drew again:

Two-panel cartoon of two men simulating daisy sex:

Roxy Drew has a point: human sex is boring compared to so much of the wild and crazy sex of the animal and plant kingdoms. Who knows? Maybe some of our wilder efforts are an attempt to catch up to the “lesser beings.” And maybe Deus Vult.

Thanks to Annalee Newitz at io9 for the pointer to the delightful Roxy Drew.

Photo of the Week (NSFW)

Laurie says:

This week’s photo is Tommi Avicolli Mecca from Familiar Men:Book of Nudes.



And this is his text from the book:

Learning to Walk

Papa was determined to teach me to be a man. I was anything but. In my Italian-immigrant neighborhood in South Philadelphia in the early 60s, acting like a man was important for someone born with male genitals.
There were many responsibilities that went along with having those few extra inches of flesh hanging from your groin. I wasn’t sure what those responsibilities were, but from watching my brothers and their friends, I knew they included: hanging on corners in a teeshirt with the sleeves rolled up; using “yo” when greeting another male; staring at women’s breasts and saying “madon” (short for “Madonna mia”) when they were especially large; using brylcreme to straighten my curly hair; and tossing a ball to other guys while standing in the middle of the street dodging cars.
I resisted being indoctrinated into manhood as long as I could, instead playing with dolls and jumping rope with the girls. I had never been in a fist fight or even carried a knife. On my street that was an accomplishment in and of itself.
One hot summer afternoon Papa decided to give me a lesson in manhood. We were sitting outside on the front steps.
“First you gotta learn how to walk like a man,” he said. I had no idea what he was talking about. What was wrong with the way I walked?
“C’mon, walk,” Papa said.
I started to walk.
“No, not like that.” What the hell was he talking about? How was I supposed to walk? Was there a gene I was missing: neanderthal x57?
By now a crowd of curious neighbors had gathered on their steps nearby. It was bad enough that I was enduring this ordeal, but did I have to have an audience, too? To make matters worse, along came Joey Venturi, the bully. Just what he needs is more ammunition to use against me at school, I thought.
“C’mon, do it again,” Papa said.
I shook my head.
“Whatsamatter, you wanna act like a girl all your life?”
Joey elbowed his friend and they started laughing.
I couldn’t stand it anymore. I suddenly leaped at Joey and started punching him in the stomach and chest. I had no idea what I was doing except that it felt good. Joey was so startled, he just stood there and took the punches.
Papa grabbed me. “What the hell’re you doing?” He was mad.
“I’m doing what you told me to do.”
It was the last lesson I ever got from Papa.