Tag Archives: fitness

Fat and Fit: The Mountain Fat Athletes Have to Climb

naked fat woman lifting a heavy weight with another woman spotting
Copyright (c) 1994, Laurie Toby Edison.

Debbie says:

My friend Stef sent me Kelsey Miller’s article in Self,The Relentless Reality of Anti-Fatness in Fitness,” a thoughtful and intelligent examination of how hard it is for fat people to become fit, be fit, and be recognized as fit. Miller starts with Sarah Jaffe, a 32-year-old endurance athlete who joined a gym when she’d just returned from a 550-mile bike ride. Jaffe, disappointingly but unsurprisingly, could not convince her new personal trainer that she wasn’t there to lose weight, or that she understood her own body’s metabolism. Tellingly, as Jaffe tried to get her point across, the trainer reportedly said ““So you did those things you wrote on your form?” Jaffe, at the time, was a size 16, what we would call “culturally fat” or “mid-size.” Miller says, eloquently and accurately:

The widespread consensus on fat people is that they are lazy, ignorant gluttons who simply will not get off the couch and get on the treadmill. The lesser-known reality is that treadmills typically have weight limits between 200 and 300 pounds (as do many bikes, stair-climbers, and other common gym types of equipment). Then there’s the dearth of activewear, the majority of which is not produced in plus sizes (Nike, for example, started adding plus items in 2017). Fitness is already a practice of the privileged; it requires time, money, and access that many people don’t have. Fat people have to jump those hurdles and more just to get to the gym. And when they do, they’re often met with judgment, discrimination, and calorie lectures they didn’t ask for. The problem keeping fat people out of the gym is not their fatness. The problem is fatphobia.

Laurie and I understand not just these obstacles but the driving urge to overcome them. The picture above, from Women En Large: Images of Fat Nudes, was taken in response to one of the most common requests we got when we were designing the book: show us fat women being active, being athletic, moving. The urge to move is present in most of us; stifling it is a form of dehumanization.

Miller’s analysis of the history of fatphobia is notable for its focus on the relationship to fitness. One particularly useful insight comes from Danielle Friedman, author of Let’s Get Physical [How Women Discovered Exercise and Reshaped the World], a study of modern fitness culture. As life got more sedentary in the 1950s and 1960s, and the Cold War stoked fears that could comfortably be channeled into body anxiety,

fitness became thin, hard, and estimable—a sign of moral and mental fortitude—and softness became its opposite. (Friedman cites the enduring issue of “flabphobia,” the insidious sidekick of fatphobia, that underpins concepts like “spot training” and “skinny fat.”) Back then, as now, Friedman says, fitness came to mean fat-less: “It’s [not] enough to just be small and thin. You have to be totally devoid of fat.”

Half a century later, this novel idea—that fitness is something lean, virtuous, and measured by the scale—has settled into our cultural consciousness. Fitness has gone from a niche subculture to a vast, global industry valued at nearly $100 billion in 2019,

The article goes on to discuss the rise of BMI (body mass index or, as Laurie and I call it, Braindead, Meaningless, Insidious) as an indefensible but completely accepted metric, and the difficult role of fat fitness champions,

who are often called out, not for advocating an active lifestyle, but rather for “promoting obesity.”

“That’s the biggest one,” Latoya Shauntay Snell, a marathoner and fitness influencer known to many online as the Running Fat Chef, tells SELF. “It gets under my skin,” she says of the phrase that routinely appears in her Instagram comments. “Just living and breathing and thriving in the space, as myself, is ‘promoting obesity.’”

Snell has been running and blogging since 2013—a time when mainstream culture was suddenly interested in body positivity, but mostly as it applied to thin, white people. Snell, who is neither, hasn’t seen the needle move all that much since then. Over 200 races in, she still gets heckled from the sidelines, or “encouraged” by those who see her as a struggling newbie: Keep going! Don’t quit! Don’t worry girl, if you keep that up, you’ll lose some weight!

Miller repeatedly points to the dearth of plus-size exercise wear, especially above 3X. And then she highlights a remarkable exception:

[I]n 2020, one brand—Superfit Hero—made the bold pivot to plus-only clothing. Why? Because plus-size exercisers were their best customers.

Micki Krimmel founded Superfit Hero in 2015 with a line that ran from XS-5X. In 2019, while reviewing sales data, Krimmel realized that most of their repeat customers were in the plus range—“something like 95%,” she says. …. Plus shoppers broke down crying, saying how grateful they were to be able to play their sport or do their workout in comfortable, appropriate clothing. For them, “it’s life-changing,” Krimmel says, “It’s access.” Superfit Hero was serving a vast and virtually untapped market. Krimmel and her team decided to drop the smaller sizes and produce their line only in sizes 12-42. … Early this year, Superfit Hero is launching a partnership with Kohl’s—a milestone for the brand and its customers. “This is going to be the very first time that people can go in-store, in a major retailer, and try on size 6X and 7X in activewear,” Krimmel says.

The article closes with a persuasive and detailed case for legislation against fat discrimination, not just in the fitness arena, and a final aspirational rallying cry:

In a world where size is not used as a measurement of intelligence, competence, or mental stability, it might be possible to stop using it as a measurement of fitness too. If fat children and adults were valued and welcomed in workplaces and schools, they might feel safer (and more capable) walking into workout class or entering a race. If anti-fatness rather than fatness itself were deemed shameful and ignorant, the fitness industry would very likely be a different place—one accessible and beneficial to many more people than it is today.

Say it, sister! We’re all working for that world.


Follow Debbie on Twitter.

Follow Laurie’s new Pandemic Shadows photos on Instagram.


Moving with Joy: Creating a Body-Positive Health Club for Women

We are delighted to have this guest post from Stef Maruch:

The theory of Health at Every Size (HAES) posits that people of every size, age, and physical ability can gain physical and mental health benefits by regularly including joyful movement in their lives.

But in a world where people are judged by impossibly narrow beauty standards, where can a woman find opportunities to move her body in ways that feel good, without fear that she will be judged or harrassed? Where can she find the camaraderie of working out with like-minded women?

In preparing to write about health clubs that are size-friendly and promote HAES, I asked the very active LiveJournal community fatshionista to let me know of any such clubs.

Most of the clubs mentioned were chains. Curves, Lady of America, and Healthworks are women only. All of them, according to their web sites, promote weight loss, but fatshionista commenters said that some of their individual clubs did not have a judgmental attitude (a club, of course, will be affected by the attitudes of its employees and members).

Planet Fitness is a co-ed chain that boasts a Judgment Free Zone (a phrase they have actually trademarked) and does not have scales. Their clubs have an industrial-looking design with row upon row of treadmills and weight machines. Atlanta has a fitness facility, Equipoise, that combines fitness and physical therapy, and one commenter mentioned that hospitals sometimes run fitness centers that attract clientele of various ages and abilities. The YMCA is a co-ed chain known for welcoming people of all ages and differing abilities. Their main web site does not have a lot of focus on weight loss, but some of the individual Y web sites I looked at have more.

My Sports Clubs runs clubs in New York, Boston, Washington, and Philadelphia. They have a minimum of weight loss talk on their web site, but I was amused to find that they have a class
on how to walk in very high heels!

Women on the San Francisco Bay Peninsula have what I consider to be a better alternative. Every Woman Health Club, in Redwood City on the San Francisco Bay Peninsula, is (as far as I know) one of the country’s only explicitly size-friendly, women-only health clubs. The club has been in existence since 2002, an impressive lifespan in the health club industry. The owners, Anne and Stephanie, are women of size. I interviewed Stephanie.

Stef: Why did you decide to start a health club?

Stephanie: The women-only gym I belonged to was closing. My husband reminded me how much I love working with women and said I should open my own gym.

Stef: Why is your club for women only?

Stephanie: This stems from my personal experience as a rape and incest survivor and my experience as a Rape Crisis Advocate. I feel that a woman-only club provides a freer, safer environment for women to learn to accept and appreciate their bodies without the intrinsic limitations that can exist in co-ed environments. This environment allows women to
connect, share, and support each other through a wide variety of life’s experiences, from where to get a great hair cut to menopause or surviving breast cancer. It just creates a completely different environment from a co-ed gym.

Stef: Why is your club size friendly?

Stephanie: There are a few reasons. Again, because of my experiences, I want to help women learn to accept and appreciate their bodies, as they are and not as something that needs to be changed in order to be happy or to please someone else. This applies not just to size, but all aspects of how we view ourselves. There is a lot of pressure out there
to look a certain way and your typical health/fitness facility perpetuates that.

Being size friendly also means we are not focusing on weight loss or weight gain. We focus on health. To me being healthy has to do with internal numbers and functionality, not the number on the scale, for example, blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol, flexibility and strength. Being size-friendly allows us to focus on the internal numbers and functionality and hopefully provide an environment where every woman, regardless of size, feels comfortable coming to work on her

Stef: What are the club’s members like?

Stephanie: They are great. I often say that the ability to smile quickly is a pre-requisite to membership and it actually seems be a common attribute of our members. Our members are warm, engaging, welcoming, inspiring, and funny! I am inspired by the stories they share with me about their day-to-day lives, their joys, their challenges, and how they have overcome so much in life.

Stef: What are some of the special challenges of running this kind of health club?

Stephanie: Making ends meet. First we cut out half the money-spending population by being women only. Then, we are going against the grain of society by not actively promoting weight loss and diet supplements. Those diet programs and supplements are big money-makers for conventional gyms. It also means that women who are not open to measuring health through functionality and internal measurements may choose to go somewhere else.

Stef: What is something unexpected that you have learned by running this health club?

Stephanie: Property taxes. We are taxed by the county for everything from the equipment we own to the paper clips we already paid sales tax on. What is up with that?!

Stef: What is an accomplishment you’re proud of, related to running this health club?

Stephanie: Wow, there is a lot. Still loving what I am doing. I think that speaks to what a great place this is and how great the clients are. Oh, and that we made it seven years and counting!

Stef: How do people react to you as women of size and health club owners?

Stephanie: Often they think you have to be fat to come to our gym. In one of my networking meetings, I was explaining how we measure health through functionality and internal measures like improved blood pressure and cholesterol. After my presentation, a woman said she’d like to talk to me after the meeting about her sister who is overweight and therefore would probably be interested in my gym.

I have also had women look me up and down like they were having difficulty reconciling what they see standing before them with the idea that I own a health club.

Stef: You offer massage and spa services as well as exercise equipment and classes. Do your members and clients find there is a benefit to receiving these services in a size-friendly atmosphere?

Stephanie: For me, it goes beyond size. It is about an atmosphere of self-acceptance. It has definitely had its benefits. We have had members try massage for the first time because they felt safe here. The same is true for classes. One of our members told me she had always wanted to take classes at her old health club, but felt too intimidated. She took an aerobics class here and loved it!

Stef: Is it difficult to find qualified instructors, personal trainers, massage therapists, and estheticians? How do you help ensure they will fit in with the atmosphere of your club?

Stephanie: Yes, but I have been very fortunate to find some really good people. I also recognize that our philosophy is something to continually strive toward and not necessarily a destination that we arrive at, at least for me. When I screen applicants, I look for that awareness. If they have that awareness, then the journey together is easier.

Stef: Are you concerned about the rise of “non-judgmental” exercise chains such as Planet Fitness? How is your
club different from such chains?

Stephanie: No, and I hope they truly are non-judgmental! It is a difficult achievement even with a small intimate club like Every Woman Health Club. I can’t imagine how they can achieve that with a larger number of members and in a co-ed environment. I also question the reality of that statement if the classes being offered do not provide modifications for participants of every size and ability. It is more difficult to offer modifications to individual students with big class sizes.

Stef: What are your dreams and goals for the club?

Stephanie: I love Every Woman. I want it to exist forever. I would love to grow as the economy grows, actually faster. And, I would love to find the means to add a pool! How wonderful would that be!

Stef: What advice would you give someone who wants to find or start a size-friendly club, or just some size-friendly exercise classes, in their area?

Stephanie: Ask questions, don’t be afraid to try a class or ask if you can observe a class, and talk with the instructor about your specific needs.

If you want to start a size-friendly club, do your homework and create a business plan. It will take you through the processes to determine the viability of your business venture and help guide it to success.

Stef: Is there anything else you want Body Impolitic readers to know?

Stephanie: Support the businesses that support your beliefs. Businesses that operate out of the “norm” and from the heart need your support to continue the work!