Tag Archives: cats

Fun Before WisCon, or Men Saving Room for Cats

Debbie says:

I’ve often been tempted to blog about the various Tumblr and Instagram collections of men taking up more than their share of room on public transit. For one thing, this conversation always reminds me of the fabulous Fat Lip Readers’ Theatre, from my early days as a fat activist, talking about how fat women have the power to appreciate taking up space on public transit rather than cowering into a corner.

But in the end, I’ve always decided that there wasn’t really enough to say about the topic; (many) men take up extra space, (many) women squeeze into the smallest spaces possible.

But now, the real reason for this male behavior has been unveiled, and it’s too good not to share. They’re saving room for giant house cats!

saving room for cats 3

There are lots more at the link!

Maya at Feministing found this before I did.

Laurie and I are taking off for WisCon, and our annual one-week break from blogging at this time of year. See you next week!

Judith Butler: The Cat’s Meow


Laurie and Debbie’s cats say:

Meow! We don’t usually read the internet, because it doesn’t come with either tuna or strings to chase. But we do like Binary This, especially when they make so much sense. This is just the beginning. You want to read the rest.

We don’t get why Judith Butler (who sounds like she’s really smart) has to use so many long and complicated words. Is it “performativity” if we catch mice? Or is that “fatally determined”? Well, maybe it’s fatally determined for the mice.

Anyway, HannahKy at Binary This knows how to explain things really well! And some of the cats in those pictures are really hot!

Now where’s our tuna?

Link found through j00j; blog author photo is Kima, photo by Alan Bostick.