Tag Archives: blogs

2008 Weblog Awards: A Tough Choice

Debbie says:

The list of blogs that made the finalists list for the 2008 Weblog Awards is very long indeed, and of course most of them are blogs I’ve never heard of (and some of the ones I’ve heard of I’ve never read).

However, not one but two blogs which I really respect and appreciate are nominated in the Best Health Blog category.

Junk Food Science by Sandy Szwarc is a blog that Laurie and I frequently link to and quote. No one does a better job of taking apart the health headlines, digging into the numbers, and revealing the truth than Sandy. I’d love to see her win.

Kristina Chew’s Autism Vox has been a voice for the confluence of science and compassion in autism. She’s closing down the blog even as the votes are being counted, moving over to a new autism blog at change.org, where I’m sure she’ll continue her clear-sighted big-hearted work.

Either one is well deserving of a “best” award. I’m not even going to tell you which one I voted for.

Other nominated blogs that Body Impolitic has taken good stuff from include The Bilerico Project, Susie Bright’s Journal (both in the best LGBT blog category), plus Majikthise, where Lindsay Beyerstein is nominated for Best Individual Blogger.

As usual, the finalists in most categories are overwhelmingly blogs by men, which is another good reason to drop by and vote if you get a chance.

Blog Love

Laurie and Debbie say:

Lindsay at Autist’s Corner very kindly gave us a blog award:

I [heart] your blog image

We got this charming little image to post, and we get to pass it along to seven of our favorite blogs (not an easy choice, folks!)

Here’s what we came up with.

Autism Vox is an excellent blog in a journalistic style, providing good clear information, interpretation and advice for anyone dealing with autism spectrum issues, especially in children.

Can I Sit With You? is a group blog and book publishing project, started by women whose children were having some social troubles in school. And didn’t we all? The project collects “memorable stories about surviving, succeeding, or sucking it up while dealing with the other kids at school.” The stories go onto the blog and are then pulled together into small affordable books, and the proceeds go to a special-needs PTA group. The project has attracted some extraordinary writing.

Meowser at Fat Fu doesn’t update as often as we might like, but when she does she really digs into the issues. One of the best (of the excellent) fatosphere blogs around.

Debbie’s favorite mommyblog is Gwendomama. There’s something about her writing, as she deals with two living children and the memory of one deceased child. The best personal blogs combine honesty and humor, and this is a really fine example.

How can you resist a blog called I, Asshole? SJ writes a brilliant, funny, engaging personal feminist blog, with lots about her life and her kids, and the occasional side trip into politics, recipes, and reviews.

Natalie Bennett describes her blog, Philobiblon, as being about “green politics, history (mostly women’s history), science, and art. Always feminist.” We’re both particularly fond of the historical posts, but everything she posts is good to read. She’s also the creator and tireless advocate of the Carnival of Feminists.

The bar at Rachel’s Tavern is serving more milk than beer these days, since Rachel had her adorable son. Nonetheless, she’s still serving up trenchant commentary on politics and race, along with incredibly cute baby pictures.

This post was fun to write!