Superb Octavia Butler Owls


Laurie says:

When I made the owl for her, I had no idea I was making the Octavia Butler scholarship It was at Baycon in the late 80’s, and she told me that the owl was her totem – could I make one for her? I told her I would be delighted to make it for her, and that if I could also keep the design it would be much, much less costly. She was happy to have me keep the design and since I’d been wanting to make an owl for a while, I was equally delighted. (I was an early admirer of her work.)

She wanted an iconic owl rather than a particular species. The Butler Owl design was influenced by the great horned owl, but it isn’t meant to be a particular species. The out-stretched wings as it lands on the branch were my concept of her owl. I carved the original in wax before casting in into silver, thinking about Octavia and what she wanted from it. I was very happy with the final design and she was extremely pleased.

Octavia died much too young in 2006. Kate Schaefer asked me to make the first owl that was given to scholarship winners by the Carl Brandon Society in 2007 and I’ve been making them ever since.

“The Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship enables writers of color to attend one of the Clarion writing workshops, where Octavia got her start. It furthers Octavia’s legacy by providing the same experience/opportunity that Octavia had to future generations of new writers of color. In addition to her stint as a student at the original Clarion Writers Workshop in Pennsylvania in 1970, Octavia taught several times for Clarion West in Seattle, Washington, and Clarion in East Lansing, Michigan, giving generously of her time to a cause she believed in.”


2009 Butler Scholar Rochita Loenen-Ruiz


The first Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarships were awarded in the summer of 2007, and they have been awarded annually each subsequent year at the conclusion of the Clarion and Clarion West Workshops. As of the summer of 2018, 21 Butler Scholarships have been awarded.” __Carl Brandon Society web site

2014 Clarion Butler Scholar Amin Chehelnabi

I was invited to a ceremony at a San Diego Clarion and it was very moving and special. It turned out that the owl has a profound meaning for those who receive it. They have told me that receiving her totem feels like there is a way that they are in touch with her. And that it is extremely meaningful. I am very grateful that I am able to do this for them.


2022 Clarion Butler Scholar Shingai Kagunda

When Nisi Shawl called me up and asked me to do the cover for their anthology Bloodchildren, I was astonished. Not because they asked me but because I knew I was going to say yes. I’ve never done a cover and my photography is normally unsuited for an SF anthology. But two days before they called, I had for the first time a clear sense of a new direction for my photography, and this request fit the areas I was thinking about. It was very intense time consuming work, and a joy to do.


I can thank the Carl Brandon Society for the fact that I have made 21 Butler owls and I’ll continue to make the Butler Owls for as long as possible.

Thanks to Nisi Shawl for all the appreciation of my work in their Carl Brandon Society post about my work.


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Follow Laurie’s Pandemic Shadows photos on Instagram.
