Laurie says:
I had a one-person exhibition at Kyoto Seika University in 2000 at their art gallery, Gallery Flor, of my photos from Women En Large and Familiar Men. At the end of the exhibition they purchased a group of my photographs for their permanent collection.
Now in 2022, they are having an exhibition “Cross Borders” that includes 5 of my photographs. It’s the first exhibition in their newly remade gallery. I am delighted and honored to be part of it. (Gallery Terra-S, 17 June – 23 July 2022.)
These are the photographs from the Japanese flyer.
Conflicts, oppressions, and the immobilization and collapse of geopolitical boundaries around the world that repeat from the past to the present. Currently, due to advanced informatization and globalization, “cross-border” of people, goods, and information has become commonplace, and while cross-border issues such as infectious diseases, environmental problems, and poverty have become apparent, customs peculiar to a certain group or individual. Culture, memory and values are bound by invisible boundaries and linked to the building of identity. In this exhibition, the “cross-border” attitude that is needed in such a complicated and tense world, moving freely here and there like water and reconsidering yourself and the world, is fixed. We will reconsider through the works of 11 artists who are supple and sharply swaying the contours.
While referring to keywords such as “gender / history,” “body / identity,” and “land / memory,” Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver, Kenichi Imai, Laurie Toby Edison, Chiharu Shiota, Yoshiko Shimada, and Tomiyama are stored in the university. In addition to Taeko’s works, we will introduce the works of five guest artists, Misako Ichimura, Motoyuki Shimomichi, Sawako Tanizawa, Yuki Tsumura, and Itsufune Ban. During the exhibition period, exhibitors Yoshiko Shimada, Rebecca Jennisun (Professor Emeritus of Kyoto Seika University), Hiroko Hagiwara (Professor Emeritus of Osaka Prefectural University) will give a lecture “Cross-border of writers-Taeko Tomiyama, Laurie Toby Edison”. , Yoshiko Shimada ~ ”, and various related events such as reading sessions and lectures by Ichimura, Shimomichi, Tanizawa, and Ban, workshops, artist talks, and gallery talks by curators are planned.
These are my photographs in the Seika exhibition.
from Women En Large -Cindy McQuillen with guitar
David King and his grandfather Ray Krotser from Familiar Men
Debbie Notkin from Women En Large
Debbie Notkin and Tracy Blackstone from Women En Large

Baker Beach
I’ll be writing more about this exhibition as I have more information in English. I’m really happy about this. I wish it was possible for me to be there – but another time.
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Follow Laurie’s Pandemic Shadows photos on Instagram.