New Pandemic Shadows Photographs

Laurie says:

These are two of my newest Pandemic Shadows photos. Even when it’s beautiful, I always want something different as well as beautiful. These are good examples of that. And, of course they also express lockdowns, separations and all of the effects that isolate us. As I have said before, I get to make beauty in hard times. If you check out my gallery on Instagram you’ll see what I mean. It’s challenging and it’s what keeps this project fresh, and why it continues to inspire me.

A deep shadow with delicate reflections of intense suns through the leaves of trees – I saw this phenomenon for the first time in a partial eclipse and was deeply impressed (I still am). The petals are bougainvilla, what Grandma Jenny, who walked (literally) out of Russia at the turn of the century, called “bougainwilla”.

This exquisite reflection in the shadow was prosaically reflected from a car window. It shows magic can be in anything. And some of the most subtle and delicate shadows I’ve found have been reflected off very prosaic objects.


I don’t know where the new shadows will lead me and that’s great.


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Follow Laurie’s Pandemic Shadows photos on Instagram.
