Peacock Spiders Show Their Colors

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Laurie says:

I recently discovered these gorgeous photos of peacock spiders and wanted to share them.



Peacock spiders are generally very small, about the size of a grain of rice. It’s the males that sport the ostentatious colouring; females have a more mottled look made up of browns, blacks and beiges.

Males will wave their abdomens and legs during a courtship dance. Some even have flaps that can be extended like a fan – hence the association with peacock birds.



They all live in Australia and they all feature those amazing iridescent colours that the males will flaunt during courtship.



The photos were taken by Museums Victoria’s Joseph Schubert, a 22-year-old peacock spider specialist.He’s now written up 12 of the 85 known species in this group. He often gets sent specimens to identify, but also conducts fieldwork.

I found them in a BBC science article here and found them irresistible.