Volcanoes 2019

Laurie says:


I have always loved the visuals of volcanoes. I once managed to be in a small plane inside the crater of Mt Saint Helens.

And I spent a lot of time in the Volcano Park on the Big Island of Hawaii before the last eruptions made it impossible to get close some of the craters. I also foolishly walked between very narrow runs of hot lava at night as it poured into the sea from Pu’o’u (It was a long way from the volcano and a long time ago.)

A relatively short time after Saint Helen’s eruption, Ctein and I took this shared image above as part of our collaboration project.

I’ve collected some amazing volcano photographs from 2019: The Year in Volcanic Activity from Alan Taylor’s In Focus

An eruption of Italy’s Stromboli volcano on July 3, 2019, as seen from the beach of Stromboli island
Artspace131 / Shutterstock

Lava is seen glowing in a lake inside the crater of the Nyiragongo volcano inside the Virunga National Park near the eastern Congolese city of Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo, on August 9, 2019. #
Baz Ratner / Reuters

Lava flows from a fissure along Etna’s southeast crater on May 30, 2019.
Marco Restivo / Barcroft Media / Getty

This picture taken on October 25, 2019, shows lava from the Piton de la Fournaise flowing down the east-southeast face on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion.
Richard Bouhet / AFP / Getty