Petrified Rainbow


Laurie says:

I think Josie Lewis’s “Petrified Rainbow” photographs are quite stunning. (Lots more images on her site.) I spent a lot of time in the Bacteriology Lab at Harlem Hospital when I was in high school. There is something especially charming about making art in the same petri dishes I grew bacteria in. Lewis’s work also has a quality of “found art” that I really like.

The quotes are from Beth Elderkin at gizmodo.


The series “Petrified Rainbow” from artist Josie Lewis uses resin and chemicals to create strange and colorful growths inside petri dishes. Lewis told io9 that every single piece is a gamble: She basically throws some ink and resin onto a dish, seals it up, flips it over, and then waits to see the result.


“I can’t actually see what’s happening while making them. I only get to see the results 12 hours later when the cure is complete and I pull the discs out of the molds,” Lewis said. “I call them petri supernova because I was using round molds and they looked a lot like science petri dish with weird fungi growing in them. Also, [it’s] what I imagine the Big Bang looked like.”


When asked what her images evoke, Lewis they remind her of “the surface of alien planets and mermaid skin,” and that they seem to combine biology and futurism.