Memory Landscapes: Shadow Pictures Two


Laurie says:

This is a group of shadow pictures that I’m considering for my major work in progress, Memory Landscapes.  The gallery is here and a description of the project is here.  Since I’m in the process of creating a complex aesthetic of memory and memoir, the description of the project is also a work in progress.

I’m putting them up much larger than usual to give a sense of what they’ll look like as iPad art.

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I posted about some of the shadow images earlier this year. I’ve been working on the photos and the associative memory chains but haven’t been writing about them nearly enough. The shadow pictures represent a place where you space out and “your brain goes to Brooklyn”, so to speak.

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We remember vividly, with intervals of presence without definite thought or focus. (This is not the optimal description but I’m working on it.)

I have a newer “in progress” version of the associative memory chains that includes some spoken word pieces and shadow photos that I’ll be linking to and writing more about pretty soon. Here is the present version I have up.  Check it out if you’re not familiar with the project.


I’ve been somewhat obsessed with these shadow images in recent months. I’ve also been working on some shadow video that I’ll be posting about as well.


I’m taking some down time so I probably won’t be posting for a few weeks.  Then I’ll be putting up a major photo from Memory Landscapes.