Laurie says:
I’m back from Detroit and the Sojourner Truth archive in Battle Creek. I’ll have a lot to say about this next week. But I want to think about it for a while.
This post is about drones used for a new kind of aerial photography. They have a far closer range and different perspectives then a small plane. Like any vision opportunity the importance is the quality the work. The tech only provides the tools.
BBC: The arrival of cheap drone technology – and small, light high-quality cameras – has given rise to a new genre of beautiful aerial photography and film-making.
A new competition, sponsored by National Geographic (and Dronestagram), has highlighted some stunning examples of drone photographs taken in the past year.
The winner of the competition was a stunning view of an eagle soaring high above a national park in Indonesia.
I really like the three photos above, but I’m not knocked out by that many of the photographs I saw. But the potential is fabulous.