Laurie says:
I thought I’d put up 2 of the landscape collaborations I did with Ctein. Its interesting for me to look at these images now. These are the last time I did landscape photography until my present work in progress, the In-Camera Project .
The collaboration project started because we noticed that on photography trips, quite separately from each other, we were photographing the same subjects. We looked at some of the images side by side. To our initial surprise, we realized that not only did they “talk” to each other, but that placed together in the same frame they made finer art then they did individually. We made 18 of the collaborative images. Mine are black and white dark room prints. Ctein’s are dye transfer prints. Quotes are from Ctein’s gallery.
Roses — 1990~ edition of 24 ~
This is the work that inspired Ctein and Laurie to undertake the collaboration project.
In Ctein’s interpretation of the subject, roses in yellows, oranges and pinks, with silvery green leaves, are set against a deep blue-black stone wall by strong colors but subtle contrast. Laurie’s photograph emphasizes the deeply textured blocks of stone, lifting the roses to a near-white by contrast.
16″ wide by 26″ high framed
Monterey Kelp — 1990 ~ edition of 24 ~
The blue-greens and yellows of Ctein’s photograph call attention to the complex play of light off of the kelp, with the water presenting a serene background. Laurie’s focuses on the pattern of light on water, making the kelp as a secondary note.
This is also a rare self-portrait in silhouette of the photographers.
15″ wide by 25″ high, framed.
On a very different note, Ctein recently wrote in the Online photographer about an unfortunate experience with an auction gallery that’s a useful warning.