Fat Queer Activism Funding Available!

Debbie says:

The wonderful folks at NOLOSE are offering seed money of up to $1,000 to support projects that expand the reach of fat queer activism.

They say:

2007’s SPAL (“Small Projects Across the Land”) projects included an inspired Zine-making party in London, a fabulous Roller Skating party in Philadelphia, and the very successful Fat & Queer mini-conference in New York. We loved supporting those projects because they were creative, fun, informative, and community-based.

Although we are looking for programming to strengthen the fat LGBTQ community at the local level, we will also consider programming that networks with other allied organizations. Want to co-sponsor something with bears? Interested in planning a plus-sized clothing swap with your local LGBTQ or NAAFA chapter? Send us a proposal!

We will prioritize projects that:

* Support NOLOSE’s mission:
Who we are
What we’re about

* Create visibility for fat queers, fat queer issues, and fat queer activism.
* Explore intersections between all of our different identities in the world.
* Provide information, resources, access, and/or voice to groups that are marginalized within fat activist communities.
* Provide information, resources, access, and/or voice to under-resourced regions with less visible fat activist communities.
* Are challenging, weird, boisterous, empowering, and FUN.

Our hope is that funded projects will be able to return the seed money back to NOLOSE (or even make a profit), but we understand that not all projects will or should be money-earning ventures. Ability to put money back in the pot for other projects will be one factor (of many) in our funding/grantmaking decisions. In general, the larger the funding request, the more important the ability to repay the seed money will be.

Please submit your proposal by visiting the SPAL page on the NOLOSE site.

Proposals are due June 1.