The Once and Future Carnival

Debbie says:

We’ll be collecting carnival posts in one place from now on, and posting them once a week.

The big news is that we’ll be hosting the next Carnival of Feminists (#27) in a little less than two weeks! (Gasp!) You can submit articles for carnival consideration here or email them to me at kith at spicejar dot org.

*e has published the newest Carnival of Feminists is up on A Blog Without a Bicycle. It’s all good; of particular seasonal note are the various reactions to sexy Halloween costumes, including this one at Feministing. Also check out the posts on feminist activism in cyberspace, including the always-eloquent and so-often-heartbreaking Riverbend, blogging from Iraq.

Earlier, Blue posted the Disability Blog Carnival #2 at The Gimp Parade. Blue’s theme was “the cure,” and she brought out a lot of very moving personal stories of disabilities of all kinds.

Don’t forget to submit your favorite feminist blog entries (including your own) to our carnival!

And watch this space; we’ll shortly be announcing our first appearance on BlogTalkRadio!

carnival of feminism, disability blog carnival, feminism, disability, BlogTalkRadio, Body Impolitic