“Is Dieting Anti-Feminist?”

Laurie and Debbie say:

The inimitable Twisty Faster has a perfect post on dieting and feminism. Here are two snippets:

“[Self-identified feminist and dieter Ariel] Stallings asks the age-old question “Is dieting anti-feminist?”. Such questions cause a tear of blue funk to spring to the eye, for of course dieting isn’t anti-feminist, patriarchy is.”

“Yet I press on, past even the women’s mag-ish, pathos-evoking lament about having had to “sacrifice” a beloved pair of pants to her new figure (a pity that God hadn’t the decency to intervene on the unfortunate pants’ behalf, the way he did for Abraham and Isaac; a woman shouldn’t have to sacrifice innocent legwear to prove her love for either herself or, as the case may be, her patriarchy).”

Trust us, you want to read the whole thing.

This is exactly the kind of topic we’d love to discuss next Tuesday on BlogTalkRadio. Remember, we’ll be on at 6pm Pacific Standard Time. You can get there from the link in this paragraph, or from the button near the top of the right-hand column of this page. Call in and let’s discuss whatever body image issues are on your mind.

Thanks to Badgerbag for the pointer.

dieting, weight, body image, size acceptance, patriarchy, fat, BlogTalkRadio,Body Impolitic

3 thoughts on ““Is Dieting Anti-Feminist?”

  1. Twisty Faster’s points are well-taken. My advice for the conflicted feminist/dieter, Ariel Stallings. Don’t cry for the beloved pants. Put them away for awhile and you can be reunited on the next phase of the journey.

    My Cynical Inner Old Lady, who happens to have acquired a Ph.D. on the diet-regain rollercoaster, is always half-amused, half-saddened to see a young person who has figured everything out after a “successful” diet. Legendary activist Lynn McAfee has a great saying:

    “We all know that virtually every dieter regains the weight eventually. If the advertisers were to be honest, they would show ‘before’, ‘after’, and ‘5 years later’.

  2. Good to know the dialog/debate continues to rage on. Hope it’s a great show, and glad that one way or another I could contribute to the conversation, even if it was only to play provocateur.

  3. Ariel,
    Thanks! I’m really looking forward to the show. Deb and I have done lots of radio interviews over the years but this is the first time we’re doing this in our own way and that’s exciting.

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