Laurie says:
This has been a complicated month. I came back from Wiscon with 2 gifts. The first was “Most Feminist Award” in the art show and the second was a bad bronchial bug which has stayed with me all June. I’m just finally almost recovered.
Now, I’m leaving for a show (Westercon) and and then (I hope) a visit to Tee Corinne. I can’t visit her unless I’m healthy, so I could really use some health! My cat is kissing the ground that she has cat sitters in residence all the time I’m gone. Sometime I should probably at least put up her photo – she’s seriously cute.
Deb will be blogging without me for the next 2 weeks.
Lots of Women of Japan news this month:
Becky-san – aka Professor Rebecca Jennison of Kyoto Seika University – gave a talk on Women of Japan at the Performing Rights conference in London. It is an international social change arts and politics confence with academics, artists and activists. I wish I could have attended.
There was an exhibition at Gallery Fleur (Kyoto Seika University) from Fleur’s permanent collection which included a group of photos from Women en Large and Familiar Men. Gallery Fleur is where Familiar Men was first exhibited in a solo show in November of 2000 – Becky curated it. This was the Japanese male nudes poster that was in the train stations on the route to the University stop.
And in Okinawa, Ikuko Hanashiro, the artist who was so helpful to me on my trip, brought high quality digital images (that I mailed to her) of their photographs to the Okinawan models. Becky Jennison will be going to Okinawa in July to talk to the women I worked with there about Women of Japan and it’s progress.
This means that when I get back from all my travels, I’ll be able to put the new photos on the blog and tell some of the stories about them.
Photographs and an article on Women of Japan are in the gender issue of the Kyoto Journal: Perspectives from Asia. It was postponed til August/September. The Kyoto Journal is a really beautiful and well designed award-winning English-language magazine. It’s available in most large US cities and Japan, Canada, Europe, Australia, Hong Kong, and Korea. I’ve seen the layout and they did a wonderful job.
It feels really good to realize that this much can happen when I’m sick, low on energy, and reading mysteries. I’m off to San Diego in the morning.
Women of Japan
Body Impolitic